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Internet Cafe
ARE YOU TIRED of having to register on a free Web site just to read a news article or view some pictures of your relatives? Rather than registering on such sites (and risking a barrage of annoying spam), many people forget about the news item or put off seeing how their nieces and nephews are doing until their next vacation. But I have an easy way to get members-only content without enduring the hassle of signing up for an account. Whenever family and friends send me links to registrationrequired sites, I turn to Bug- MeNot ( to slip past most of these requirements. BugMeNot is a free site that stockpiles user-generated account logins and passwords so that users don’t have to provide their own personal info. If you use Internet Explorer, go to the BugMeNot Web site and type in the URL of the site that you’d like to log in to. BugMeNot will return a list of user names and passwords that you can use to log in successfully. The BugMeNot Firefox Ex - tension automates the service for Firefox users. On the in - stallation page (find.pcworld. com/62311), click Add to Firefox. Click Accept and Install, and a new window will open. When it does, click Install Now. Then restart Firefox. After you install the Bug- MeNot extension, the next time you encounter a re - quired log-in prompt for a free site, right-click the username or e-mail address box and select Login with BugMe- Not. Re peat the process if the initial attempt doesn’t work; the plug-in might have used old information the first time around. Otherwise, you should slide into the registration-required content without a hitch.
—Zack Stern(Pc World)
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